The Statistical Software Award

The Best Statistical Software Award recognizes individuals for developing statistical software that makes a significant research contribution.

Past Recipients

2022 Winner
Software fastLink
Christopher T Kenny (Harvard)
Cory McCartan(NYU)
Kosuke Imai (Harvard)
Ben Fifield (ACLU Legal Analytics Group)


The `redist` package by Christopher T Kenny, Cory McCartan, Ben Fifield, and Kosuke Imai of the Algorithm-Assisted Redistricting Methodology (ALARM) Project has rapidly become a key resource for researchers and practitioners seeking to evaluate redistricting plans. `redist` develops statistically grounded and computationally efficient procedures for generating random draws from a distribution of viable redistricting plans, including conditional distributions that satisfy specified requirements for geographic compactness and population parity. The package allows users to test for illegal partisan and racial gerrymandering, a timely and important question in the wake of the 2020 Census and the redistricting cycle that followed. It has had a substantial policy impact, seeing use in legal challenges against and expert analysis of gerrymandering across at least 11 states and, unusually, has also been cited by six Supreme Court justices in oral arguments. In short, it is an ideal recipient of the Society for Political Methodology's 2022 Statistical Software Award.

Selection committee

Olga Chyzh (Toronto), Dean Knox (Penn), Sara Dreier (UNM)

2021 Winner
Software fastLink
Ted Enamorado (WUSTL)
Kosuke Imai (Harvard)
Ben Fifield (ACLU Legal Analytics Group)


The Statistical Software Award Committee is pleased to announce fastLink by Ted Enamorado (WUSTL), Kosuke Imai (Harvard), and Ben Fifield (ACLU Legal Analytics Group) as the winner of the 2021 Society for Political Methodology Statistical Software Award. fastLink solves a common problem faced by researchers in political science as well as across the social sciences: merging multiple datasets that do not share unique record identifiers. This problem arises when linking data between surveys and administrative data, among multiple survey rounds, when connecting historical to modern administrative units, and in many other situations. Most applied work relies on manual or ad hoc merging of non-exact matches or deterministic algorithms, none of which can be used to quantify the amount of error in the merge.

Selection committee

Nick Beauchamp (Northeastern), Graeme Blair (UCLA), Clayton Webb (Kansas), and Sarah Bouchat (Northwestern, Chair)

Year Developers Software
Kenneth Benoit
Kohei Watanabe
Haiyan Wang
Paul Nulty
Adam Obeng
Stefan Müller
Akitaka Matsuo
Graeme Blair (UCLA)
Jasper Cooper (Princeton)
Alexander Coppock (Yale)
Macartan Humphreys (Columbia and WZB Berlin)
Clara Bicalho (WZB Berlin)
Neal Fultz (Comake)
Lily Medina (WZB Berlin)
Aaron Rudkin (UCLA)
Luke Sonnet (UCLA)
Molly Roberts (UC San Diego)
Brandon Stewart (Princeton)
Dustin Tingley (Harvard) 
stm: An R package for
Structural Topic Models
Matias D. Cattaneo (Michigan)
Sebastian Calonico (University of Miami)
Max H. Farrell (Chicago)
Michael Jansson (Berkeley)
Xinwei Ma (Michigan)
Rocio Titiunik (Michigan)
Gonzalo Vazquez-Bare (Michigan)
RD Software Packages
Jirka Lewandowski (Berlin Social Science Center, WZB)
Sven Regel (Berlin Social Science Center, WZB)
Nicolas Merz (Berlin Social Science Center, WZB)
Pola Lehmann (Berlin Social Science Center, WZB)
Manifesto Project
Dustin Tingley (Harvard)
Teppei Yamamoto (MIT)
Kentaro Hirose (Princeton)
Luke Keele (Penn State)
Kosuke Imai (Princeton)
mediation: R Package for
Causal Mediation Analysis
James Honaker (Harvard)
Gary King (Harvard)
Matt Blackwell (University of Rochester)
Amelia II
Andrew Martin (Washington University, St. Louis)
Kevin Quinn (UC Berkeley)
Jonghee Park (Seoul National University) 
Walter Mebane (Michigan)
Jasjeet Sekhon (UC Berkeley)
Norman Nie (Stanford)
Dale Bent (Athabasca University)
Hadlai Hull (SPSS Inc.)
SPSS (Statistical Package
for the Social Sciences)
Jeffrey Dubin (Pacific Economics Group)
Doug Rivers (Stanford)
Keith Poole (UC San Diego)
Howard Rosenthal (NYU)

Past Selection Committees

Year Committee
2020 Nick Beauchamp (Northeastern), Graeme Blair (UCLA), Clayton Webb (Kansas), and Sarah Bouchat (Northwestern, Chair)
2019 Sarah Bouchat (Northwestern), Dustin Tingley (Harvard), and Adam Glynn (Emory, Chair)
2018 Jeffrey Arnold (University of Washington), Sarah Bouchat (Northwestern), Adam Glynn (Emory, Chair)
2017 Arthur Spirling (NYU, Chair), Justin Esarey (Rice) and Jamie Monogan (Georgia)
2016 Mike Ward (Duke), Matt Blackwell (Harvard), Alexander Tahk (Wisconsin)