POLMETH Mailing List

POLMETH is the mailing list of the Society for Political Methodology and the Political Methodology section of the American Political Science Association. The list is intended to provide a forum for discussion of political methodology and topics of interest to the members. It is thus used for announcements of conferences and open positions, to circulate abstracts, and to discuss issues relating to political methodology. The mailing list is edited by Cassandra Tai, Center for Social Data Analytics, Penn State University.

Contributing to the Mailing list

To post to the list, send an email to polmeth@lists.psu.edu. Your message will be distributed to the subscribers after approval by the editor.  

Mailing List Sponsors

The POLMETH mailing list is hosted by Penn State University.  The mailing list was previously hosted by the University of Calfornia, Riverside (through 1997), H-NET at Michigan State University (1998-2005), and Washington University in St. Louis (2005-2024).

Editorial Board

- Bruce A. Desmarais (Penn State University)

- Cassandra Tai (Penn State University)

- Ted Hsuan Yun Chen (George Mason University)

- Hyein Ko (University of Illinois Urbana-Champaign)