For 2025 (that is, 2024 prize year), the chairs of the prize committee below are:
- Gosnell Prize: Jacob Montgomery (WashU)
- Miller Prize: Scott Abramson (University of Rochester)
- Williams Prize: Walter Mebane (University of Michigan)
- Career Achievement Prize: Jonathan Katz (CalTech)
- Statistical Software Prize: Olga Chyzh (UToronto)
- Emerging Scholar Prize: John Londregan (Princeton)
- Excellence in Mentoring Prize: Jane Sumner (University of Minnesota)
The Gosnell PrizeThe Gosnell Prize for Excellence in Political Methodology is awarded for the best work in political methodology presented at any political science conference during the preceding year. |
The Miller PrizeThe Miller Prize for is awarded for the best work appearing in Political Analysis the preceding year. |
The John T. Williams Dissertation PrizeIn recognition of John T. Williams’ contribution to graduate training, the John T. Williams Award has been established for the best dissertation proposal in the area of political methodology. |
The SPM Poster AwardThe Society for Political Methodology Poster Awards are given for the best poster presented by a graduate student and the best poster presented by a faculty member or other researcher at the annual summer Methodology Meeting of the previous year. |
The Latin American PolMeth Best Poster AwardThe Latin American PolMeth Best Poster Award is given for the best poster presented at the Latin American PolMeth meeting. |
The Asian Political Methodology Meeting Best Poster AwardThe Asian Political Methodology Meeting Best Poster Award is given for the best poster presented at APMM each year. |
The Political Methodology Career Achievement AwardThe career achievement is the highest honor bestowed by the Society and recognizes the foundational, distinguished and sustained contributions to the field and the Society made by the recipients over their careers. |
The Statistical Software AwardThe Best Statistical Software Award recognizes individuals for developing statistical software that makes a significant research contribution. |
The Political Methodology Emerging Scholar AwardThe Political Methodology Emerging Scholar Award honors a young researcher, within ten years of their degree, who is making notable contributions to the field of political methodology. |
Society for Political Methodology Excellence in Mentoring AwardThe Society for Political Methodology Excellence in Mentoring Award honors members of the Society who have demonstrated an outstanding commitment to mentoring and advising graduate and / or undergraduate students and, in particular, those from underrepresented groups. |
The Political Analysis Outstanding Reviewer AwardThe Political Analysis Outstanding Reviewer Award recognizes individuals who have provided exemplary assistance to Political Analysis during the previous year. Outstanding Reviewers are those who provide excellent, timely and productive feedback for authors who have submitted manuscripts to Political Analysis. Outstanding Reviewers are also those who frequently review for the journal, and who provide the Editors with productive advice about the submissions they review. |
Janet M. Box-Steffensmeier & John A. Garcia ICPSR ScholarshipsThe Society for Political Methodology and the Inter-university Consortium for Political and Social Research (ICPSR) have worked together to establish two scholarship awards that are intended to encourage women and under-represented graduate students to attend the ICPSR Summer Program in Quantitative Methods of Social Research. Award winners will be invited to present their work at the poster session of the summer meeting. More information about the scholarships can be found here. |
AERoPUP ProgramThe Advanced Empirical Research on Politics for Undergraduates Program (AERoPUP) was designed to support undergraduate empirical research in any and all fields which connects to political questions. |