By Justin Esarey
Yesterday, I was sent a press release from Cambridge University Press announcing that Political Science Research and Methods would begin integrating the Code Ocean reproducibility software as a part of its replication requirement. According to the press release,
Political Science Research & Methods (PSRM) is the first Press journal adopting Code Ocean, an extension of the journal’s existing policy that requires authors to deposit data necessary to reproduce the results in their articles. A PSRM article with the Code Ocean widget embedded on Cambridge Core, the Press’s publishing platform, can be seen here. The widget enables readers to view and run the code without leaving Cambridge Core.
The release also indicates that similar adoptions might follow at other CUP journals.
The “information for contributors” instructions at PSRM have not been updated to reflect this change, but Butler, Karpowitz, and Pope (2017) linked to in the press release indicates how this policy might change the integration of replication code into articles.
The full press release is available at this link.