Last month (March 17, 2021-March 19, 2021) the University of Hamburg hosted PolMeth Europe 2021. This virtual conference represents the first European PolMeth --- and as a participant in PolMeth Europe 2021, I'll say that it was an excellent methods conference. There were a large number of really interesting and exciting methods papers presented during the conference, as well as some fun opportunities to interact and network informally.
One of the most interesting components of the conference was the keynote address, delivered by NYU Professor Neal Beck. While the keynote was not recorded live, the conference organizers convinced Neal to record the keynote after the conference. Neal's recorded keynote, "50 Years of Political Methodology and Some Suggestions for the Near Future: A Somewhat Personal View", is now available on YouTube! You can view it from here as well by clicking on the embedded video below.
It's an excellent talk, and I encourage methodologists to watch it. Neal Beck is one of the founders of the Society for Political Methodology, and he has made significant contributions to our field with his scholarship, though his service to the Society, and with his teaching and mentoring of so many students and others in our field (myself included).
Finally, here is a link where you can view Neal's slides from the keynote address.